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About tyrantking9000

When I decided to make this channel, it was originally just going to be a generic channel that comments on videos. Since getting a computer, the previous of which fucking sucked, I decided to make videos of whatever. I don't care if I get popular, because that is never my intent. My intent is to just go with it and see where I go, that has been part of my motto for years. To just see where the world takes you and to see what happens when certain things happen. I hate ALL """"""""""Communities""""""""" the gaming community being the one community that I am the most disappointed in. The furries at least do shit in their own little worlds and hardly ever, and I do mean HARDLY ever, push others into their group. I respect furries more than I do the gaming """"""""""""""""Community"""""""""""""""" the gaming community has be over saturated with assholes and zealots. I am just going to allow that community to die. I don't care for professional work. mainly because I just shoot at the hip.

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