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New York Fire Alarm Tech

1,920 subscribers

About New York Fire Alarm Tech

I'm a fire alarm enthusiast who collects many unique, rare, old, new etc fire alarm devices. I'm also a bowler, and a railfanner. My interest in fire alarms started in July of 2014, when I started noticing them in many buildings, and I have been interested in fire alarms since. My interest in abandoned buildings started around 2013, my interest in bowling started in 2016, and I have been interested in railroad crossings and trains since I was 4 (2005). I upload a video when I have the time to do so.

Go check out my other channel: LIRR Railroad Crossings & Trains

Go follow my Instagram @newyorkfirealarmtech

Update: I changed my youtube name from Nicholas Anselmi to Fire Alarms of Long Island NY on March 19th 2021 after moving my videos, comments, etc to a brand account with the Fire Alarms of Long Island New York name.

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