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About CodeNinja99

Have you ever thought that it might be possible that you have bought milk that came from the same cow that you got milk from last time? I mean, theoretically, it’s possible, but I still wonder… Or possibly you might have gone shopping one time and then bought beef patties and milk. Do you think that those two items both came from the same cow? I have no idea, but it’d be cool if it happened… what if every time you buy milk, the milk comes from the relative of the cow you originally got milk from two weeks back... and then it happened to that cow’s relative, and it just goes on in a cycle. Is milk the ultimate cycle? Can milk be our future? Milk is something that alters everybody’s life. You might make money off milking cows, you might be a baker who makes lots of cake using milk, your dad might have gone to get milk until you won the lottery at the local dairy farm, or maybe you just drink milk. What if everything is just made up of milk. Is it possible?

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