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Leonard Wilson

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Leonard Wilsonの説明

I post videos of train routes in the NYC metropolitan area. I don't have a set schedule for uploading videos. Sometimes, I post videos once a week. Other times, I may go a few weeks without posting videos. I have a life outside of YouTube (work, meeting women, exercising).

I make videos because I'm a railfan. These videos are available for your viewing pleasure free of charge. There is no Patreon on my channel. I welcome feedback, constructive criticism, and requests (within reason).

I try to make my videos as interesting as possible. If a train is operating slow or is in a tunnel where you can’t see anything then I’ll edit that out. There are also a few other things that I edit out of my videos (people using the n-word, disorderly conduct, babies crying, people coughing). I want the viewing experience to be pleasant.

Enjoy the ride!

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