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Steve Parkes

0 subscribers

About Steve Parkes

This is my channel - mostly a collection of my own videos which include songs (a few of my own orginals plus covers of other people's songs), a few tutorials on how to do certain random but useful things, and some that showcase my own, virtual creations in the PS4 game "Lego Worlds". There are a small number of TV clips I wanted to share with you, too.
I have to be honest here - I started this channel simply to publish and show off the first few videos I'd put together - and, unlike most other channels, I DON'T post new stuff regularly - like, every week or so! I only post when I feel inspired or I have something new to show off!
Some of my videos have proved surprisingly popular and get huge numbers (multiple thousands!) of regular views and comments - while others languish, unloved, and haven't reached above double figures yet in their views - but hey, c'est la vie!
I hope you feel like browsing through my work and I hope you even find something that inspires you!

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