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Gone Bush - Tasmania

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About Gone Bush - Tasmania

I did the "Tree Hugger" thing back in 2012, bought myself a few acres of Tasmanian 'bush' (almost 'virgin' Australian forest that hadn't been logged for over a century). I immediately opened my own path from the nearest access track, right up to a spot for my eventual living space. Hired a local 'dozer driver to make that track transitable, then dropped a 40' container home onto a small space... and the rest (as they say) is history.

Turned out I'd 'chosen' a location EXACTLY on top of my own little mountain-top. Wish I could say this was the result of excellent compass and mapping skills (which I do actually have), but I have to admit that it was a combination of luck and [perhaps] divine guidance - to which I also ascribe the timing of my purchase of the property.

As a 'polymath' I have multiple interests and skills - many of which have been honed by living off-grid.
I may soon become more prolific in posting related vids, and many obscure and exclusive MP3s I have.


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