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About BlackFlame951

My channel was originally going to be just walkthroughs, but I decided to branch out into all things gaming! Be expecting things like:

- Top Ten Lists (Or whatever number I happen to stop at)

- Walkthroughs, Let's Plays, And the like

- Crossovers with some of my friends

- Whatever else I decide to add to this list

I will list my consoles, so if you can suggest games for me to give tips or whatever on, by all means!

- PS3
- PS4
- Xbox 360
- Wii U

If you have any questions, comments, criticisms, or the like, I encourage you to contact me however you can. I will take all advice to heart so long as it's presented in a courteous manner. I know despite this warning, I'm still going to receive some hate mail at some point, but whatever. At least I can get through to SOME people.

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