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John Doe

0 subscribers

About John Doe

YouTube removed the Discussion tab from channels on October 12, 2021. For those of you who read - and even participated in - the discussion, thank you for your engagement.

As of November 10, 2021 I find no option to create a tab on my channel to which text comments can be made. It appears it's possible if a channel has 500+ subs. As I don't qualify, I no longer have an archive repository for what I considered significant comments made on other's videos. This was originally done to protect discussions in those comment sections from deletion if the original video was removed by YouTube (a not uncommon occurrence).

All of the comments I made on the now-deleted Discussion tab were also saved as text files to my local computer. Should YouTube ever offer a new option in the future for posting comments to a channel, I'll consider re-posting all of them. Meanwhile, thank you for your time and - if a subscriber - your subscription.

Peace to you.

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