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2 subscribers

About Soulborg87

Minecraft account name: Soulborg5

hey, I am the Redstone Novice and I don't make many videos too often at all (obvious from the vast selection of content that I have) but I do have some ideas, tips, tricks, and so on for the average Minecraft player.

Not good at redstone but still interested in learning how to use it, I can help.
Want something tested but don't feel like doing it yourself, I can do that too.
Want some advice on how to automate something but have it not too complicated, I may be able to help there.

If you said yes to any of the above, feel free to contact me by my email. I will try and get back to you when I can with a response and time when I will attempt to get a video up by.

Don't expect much from me though, I'm not really a youtuber, just a person who want's to help. I also do not have equipment for good recording quality nor audio stuff. So the videos I create will not be commentated.

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