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Lamar Johnson

7,070 subscribers

About Lamar Johnson

A place for a gamer and anime lover! All are welcome :) send me a friend request!

★Street Fighter Music
★Online Video Game Footage
★Fighting Games
★Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 1 & 2
★Various Playthroughs / Gameplays
★Possibly Call of Duty
★Possibly Guitar Hero

I take request for naruto ultimate ninja storm 1 and 2. You must be subscribed to request a match. Send me a message with the details, please no handicapped matches. I have all characters and downloaded add ons.

Xbox Live Gamertag - HyperCombo
Psn Account - HyperCombo-Ex
"Anyone who comes here to pick a fight/argument with me or tell me how bad i suck at a game you will be blocked instantly with no second thoughts don't say i didn't warn you"
Youtuber's That I Hate!
#1 AcidGlow (Stuck up asshole)
#2 Jarrak

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