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Eternal Rivals

161 subscribers

About Eternal Rivals

Steel - I am just a chill gamer who plays and creates videos for fun. I mostly post Videos with my friends speaking of which I along with Legal will give you amazing content. My psn username is steel197magical and you're always welcome to play with me. I hope every single one of you will have a nice day!! Legal - Hey! Im Legal, I also record some videos on this channel. My psn username is Legalelite375, i post videos, edits and much more. I am a HUGE fan of monster hunter, animate and Final Fantasy and Sephiroth my favorite vilain of ALL TIME. My favorite game of all time is god of war 3 and OH i forgot to mention but the God of war series is also my favorite series too. I am also a weeb, don't tell anyone or else i'll send Sephiroth to your house and give you despair. Well i hope y'all have a nice day! Sub Goal: 100

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