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Mason Conrad | MC Media

190 subscribers

About Mason Conrad | MC Media

How do you tell a story so compelling that nobody can turn away from it? Whether that's in the form of music, finding a new song that you can't stop listening to... or, being inside of a movie theatre, dying to know what the end-credit scene will be? Stories can either bore or intrigue your mind, but, regardless, everything in life has one.

My name is Mason Conrad. I'm a freelance graphic designer, videographer and editor. In 2012 I started my first YouTube channel. Little did I know, that would be the very start of my career that I adore.

Make your mark on this canvas of a world. Be bold, take some risks, and one day, history will be made. However, that isn't going to happen, if you don't make the moves. Tell your story. It deserves to be heard.

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