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Remove It Pros Demolition

24,700 subscribers

About Remove It Pros Demolition

We demolish buildings, perform hands on interior selective demolition, junk removal and cut concrete as a dual purpose to get items to repurpose. This idea birthed our rebranding /relaunching of our demolition business concept in 2014 which we call Remove It Pros Inc. So through our resell division called Re Use It Pros we resell used furniture, cabinets and appliance's and do a fair amount of scrap metal recycling. We use items from our Re Use It Pros online store to furnish and rehab our properties for our Short Term Rental Business (Currently using AIR BNB, VRBO and Booking.Com .) See links below.

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To See our business side and to follow our journey growing Remove It Pros to its full potential. @removeitprospureentrepreneur

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