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Hands Full Heart Full

2,280 subscribers

About Hands Full Heart Full

Why Hands Full Heart Full? We were your average family of five Kelly (Dad) Kristen (Mom) Tucker (Oldest) Sawyer (Middle) and Lilah ( Youngest) who had a change of plans when God called us to foster. Life changed in a big way and boy do we have our hands full! We are now a family of seven, add Kammi and Miles our two foster children who we are absolutely in love with! We are currently in the process of adopting and are so ready for that day.

Why a Youtube channel? We want to raise awareness, educate, and inspire other families to consider fostering or adoption. God calls us to care for the orphans, James 1:27. We are just a normal family answering God's call, you can as well! We would love for you to join us on our journey. Please pray for the 400,000 plus foster children in the US and consider foster/adoption or support a foster family.

Our old channel was called Sawyer In The Middle. We had some amazing adventures, check out those videos as well.

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