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Create Beautiful Things

11,400 subscribers

About Create Beautiful Things

I am a graphics designer and a software engineer and i love to share what i have learnt through the years

In this channel, I will be building amazing UI and UX contents for you to become a UI and UX Pro. I use Adobe XD and Figma for UI and UX design. These a two great tools. I will be showing you how to use them. But they basically do the same job. So if you want to become a great UI and UX designer, you are in the right place.

I will also be sharing with you great knowledge on using Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe aftereffects and Blender. If you want to be a great graphics designer, you are in the right place.

I will also show you how to develop finished applications using python and flutter.

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1,000,000 Views - 27th May 2023

1,000 subs - 7th Jan 2022
6,000 subs - 9th May 2023
10,000 subs - 19th April 2024

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