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Jeremy Peeples

4,180 subscribers

About Jeremy Peeples

This is the long-running channel of Jeremy Peeples, from Game-Over and Hardcore Gamer. For the past seven years, I've been providing wrestling game videos on Youtube. Thanks to my purchase of an HD PVR, I'm now able to do that with the original game audio.

My goal is to provide a great many wrestling game videos. Ironically, some of them won't be great. Some will be quite terrible, but hopefully amusingly so - especially if I start digging into the depths of wrestling game garbage like Showdown: Legends of Wrestling, or experience some wacky glitches.

I've also got a new HD camcorder, so unboxing videos and possibly video reviews (if I'm able to get my editing skills up to snuff) will look better. Anyone interested in donating to help out the channel can do so via my Paypal address - [email protected]. Any donations get a video shoutout thanks, or whatever they want to see in a a video.

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