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CraftyChurchy Nursery

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CraftyChurchy Nurseryの説明

Hi! I'm Jess.I am an adult (chronologically) doll collector (My videos are not intended for children). I love, welcome, and share all types of dolls! Primarily I'll share my babydolls, be they manufactured, authentic reborns, replicas, etc.. I have many interests and hobbies, so anything could show up here. :)
I have 2 cats and 1 dog that make appearances visually and/or audibly. I am late diagnosed ADHD, and I suffer from anxiety and depression. All my babies bring me joy - human, animal, cloth, vinyl... :) The doll community has become a place that warms my heart, sharing the passion and joy of this hobby. I want my channel to be a fun, safe, space that brings joy - no matter what makes you you. Kind humans are fun humans. 😊

My IG is CraftyChurchyNursery.…

My videos are intended for adult doll collectors, not children.

You can email me at [email protected], but I do see IG messages more frequently. 😊

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