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Bodhi Puja Seth Pirith Deshana

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About Bodhi Puja Seth Pirith Deshana

We bring you Bodhi Puja (Buddhist prayers) and Seth Pirith Deshana (Buddhist chanting) so you can get the triple gem blessings in your life. The triple gem (Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha) blessings are the highest blessings. The chanting and recitation of Bodhi Puja Gatha (stanzas) in front of a bo tree to get blessings is a popular tradition in Sri Lankan Buddhist culture. It helps you calm your troubled mind and bring peace to your life. It lifts your spirits in times of sickness and misfortune.

Seth Pirith Deshana chantings are found in 'Sutta Nipatha' in the Buddhist Pali canon. They contain Lord Buddha's wisdom in verses. Pirith chantings are believed to provide protection from evil, sickness, fear, and misfortune. Chanting Pirith and listening to them relieves your stress and lighten your mood.

Relax and enjoy the melodious and peaceful sound of bodhi puja and Pirith chantings to heal your soul and body. Feel free to recite them as you are listening to them.

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