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About MindChatter

Understanding who's in your energy, where it's going, and how groups can harvest off you will assist you in proper alignment to return your creative flow and abundance back to you and your family lineage.
It's a journey of understanding your true worth and value of who the Creator born you to be and how he wishes to work through you.

What is shared here is not for everybody, but meant to trigger the spark of alignment for those who are meant to know in this lifetime without the karmic debt of going through gatekeepers.

As we activate different cycles of our lifetimes, know that each cycle is important and that none should be judged. We all start by partaking in the dark cycles before we align ourselves with the truth of who we are. It is through the dark cycles that we set forth the journey of self discovery over the course of lifetimes of lessons.

When we released the fears of our Truth, our own light, we rejoin our Creator in the All. Completing the task of our souls purpose. 🙏

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