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Joe Nowak

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About Joe Nowak

One year turns into another and another. We experience love, loss, pain, joy, and happiness. It seems like we're in grade school one day and then suddenly we're 35 and buying houses, or are 65 and contemplating retirement. Some of us have kids, or wives/husbands, maybe a couple of faithful dogs. We gain and lose, and ultimately persevere. Politicans rise, descend and leave the national stage. Wars come and go. We watch team after team win sports championships for years, and then one year when we think its impossible it happens to our own baseball team and seems unreal. And so nothing remains the same throughout our entire lives -- people, places, and times are always changing, and in quiet moments it seems remarkable how little our lives resemble the days of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 years ago.

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