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Natacha Martin

5,010 subscribers

About Natacha Martin

Natacha is a multi-faceted professional offering counselling, coaching, shamanic practices, and Tarot readings. Her approach is deeply rooted in person-centered, integrative, and holistic methods. She holds a strong belief in the unique nature of each individual's life journey.

In her work, Natacha collaborates closely with clients to explore the profound influences shaping their physical, psychological, and energetic well-being. Together, they embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, aiming to gain profound insights into their true selves and life purposes.

This process also involves identifying and healing wounded aspects of the self that may be unconsciously obstructing various aspects of life. By addressing these wounded parts, Natacha empowers her clients to lead happier lives and become their most authentic selves.

To schedule a one-on-one reading or explore her services further, please refer to the contact information provided in the description box.

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