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Queen C. Pinkston

18,700 subscribers

About Queen C. Pinkston

Welcome to my channel, where I encourage and provide tips for Caregivers to "take care of themselves" as they care for others. My name is Queen C. Pinkston. I have been a Caregiver to my late husband, Ben, for twenty years and have been employed as a Dialysis Technician for twelve years. I share information on maintaining a balanced life using the "four-legged stool of balance" demonstration: Leg 1. Spiritual, 2. Physical, 3. Mental, 4. Financial. Join me by subscribing, and let us support Caregivers around the world.
Here are some resources :
National Kidney Foundation: Offers support for family members, patients, and care partners, including NKF Cares, which helps with COVID-19-related issues.
American Kidney Fund.

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