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DocTourer Shashvat

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About DocTourer Shashvat

Doctor by day 👨‍⚕️⚕️🚑. Travel film 🎥📹 maker by night 🌙

I spent 8.5 years of my studying medicine to become a M.D. Doctor. Somewhere in the middle, I realized that I was running after what the society demanded out of me and not what I truly wanted.

During my Internship, I had the chance to take a bike trip across Ladakh, Bhutan, Spiti and North East India and I fell in love with exploration, nature and traveling. My hike to Everest Base Camp ony re-inforced this feeling. It was too late to change streams or do anything about it.

This is when I made a promise to myself, that when i was done studying and had established a decent practice, I will travel the world and share all these experiences with the world.

Now that I am married and go to my clinic daily, I learned editing, shooting and filmmaking to make cinematic travel films to inspire others like me to travel more and have a work life balance.

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