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Lý Như Ca

5,010 subscribers

About Lý Như Ca

Hello everyone, I am Ly Nhu Ca. This year I am 30 years old. My husband died of a serious illness. My brother and uncle robbed me of all my land and then kicked my mother and me out of the house. I am living in a mountain village in Vietnam with my daughter (Ly Tieu Anh) who is 11 months old. I make a living to raise my children by working as a hired laborer - harvesting or planting trees with the desire to gradually build a new life to care for and raise little Anh. I'm very happy. We hope you will support and join me and my mother by subscribing to the channel and sharing with your family and loved ones. Let everyone watch, experience, relax and help each other. Please support mom and me. Thank you so much for visiting my channel and supporting my videos so I know that no matter how difficult life is, I always have you by my side.

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