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Bluhm Gardens

208 subscribers

About Bluhm Gardens

Bluhm Gardens is dedicated to education and experimentation of various urban agricultural practices. From outdoor gardening to indoor mushroom cultivation, I just simply enjoy growing things. There is a redemptive motive for me in growing things, in a way of making up for killing animals during my years of being a butcher. I do not take issue with how people choose their diets, and in fact am still and always will be a meat eater. But I do fully believe that vegative foods should always be grown locally. Urban agriculture, both indoor and outdoor, helps re-balance ecosystems by allowing previous farmland to return to prairies for grazing animals, which re-fertilizes land that has been stripped of nutrient and biodiversity due to modern mono-crop farming practices. These urban farms also re-vitalize blighted areas, and stimulate local economic markets.

I hope my videos help get your brains thinking, and if you have questions or suggestions please feel free to respond.

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