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3,280 subscribers

About DKOG73

Thanks for Hangin Out 👊 Lifelong Gamer from the 80’s Arcade Era to Retro and Current Gen Consoles

Huge Fan of Donkey Kong - Pac Man Dragons Lair - Street Fighter - Shinobi Out Run - Cyberball 2072 - Metal Slug Castlevania - Streets of Rage - Halo Mario Kart - Destiny - Back 4 Blood
Call of Duty Series - Atari - Sega
Nintendo - Namco - Neo Geo
Capcom - OG Midway

Tech Geek First CPU (TRS80) 1987
Been in IT since 2001
Home Arcade Builder / Modder
RPi 5 - Emulation - MAME - Coin Ops
Hyperspin - Classic Consoles

Movies and Shows
Massive Fan of All Things Star Wars
SciFy - Indiana Jones - Back to the Future Goonies - Big Trouble in Little China Bruce Lee - Terminator Serenity
Dune - Game of Thrones - Series
100 Series - Walking Dead Series
Firefly Series - Lost Series
Japanese Anime - Miyazaki - Naruto
Gatchaman - Avatar

🏈 Chiefs Fan and Boxing Fanatic 🥊

The Game is Never Over 👊

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