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Ultroman the Tacoman

92 subscribers

About Ultroman the Tacoman

I am a programmer, with a particular interest in games. I mostly love doing intricate but easily usable and extendable systems, like stat-systems for characters, sprite controllers (animations and effects) and input managers. I also enjoy coding gameplay mechanics, like player controllers, behavior of platforms and other entities, AI etc..

I have previously coded in C and Java, but now mainly code in C#, especially since I started using Unity. C# was also the main language during my 2½ year stint as a major business website developer, working on sites for e.g. Wacom and Beoplay. I have recently started programming in C++ as well, after learning it during a Game Engine course, as part of my MSc in Games, which I started on in the summer of 2017.

I made music in my spare time for about 9 years, so I do my own sound engineering as well. I am also decent at GIMP (free Photoshop alternative), so I do my own placeholder art.

This channel is mainly for showing off my prototypes and games.

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