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Beans For Breakfast

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Beans For Breakfastの説明

A MAGHTY fine show from a MAGHTY fiiiiiine gal
Request Rules:
1 - Don't spam them. One per person, please.
2 - Requests are only open on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Any request submitted before or after that time period will be ignored.
3 - There are 5 Request slots per weekend. Once those slots are filled, you're gonna have to wait until next weekend.
4 - Don't rush me. I'll get to them when I can.

General comment rules:
1 - Don't be a dick. This includes not just me, but other commenters.
2 - No spamming, it's annoying.
3 - Don't be a weirdo. No creepy or overly personal comments.

And that's about it. So yeah.

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