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TRYCLO 999の説明

Inveterate video game player since he was 8 years old thanks to the N.E.S. from Nintendo, Tryclo999 continues to seek to find games with demanding gameplays, he has been playing Warframe since 2016, but also loves the Armored Core series, especially the 4th Answear and is impatiently waiting for the 6th!!! He also loves the Dark Soul series and likes some of its clones!

Metal Gear Solid 5 is also one of his favorite games, as well as the first 2 Gears Of War (no, no, not the others!!!!), he spent whole months in the magical world of Morrowind, on a Ultra slow PC, up to the Blue Screen Of Death too many...

EVIL WITHIN is part of his top 10, and he always has a good time on a Resident Evil! And he loved Binary Domain on 360, the Best Gen.

Ps: He loves more than anything a woman called Elodie, and who is the sweetest and kindest person he could meet on this little blue ball lost in this infinite space... We can talk about great love !

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