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Rod Johnson "Moroni Saw Me!"

741 subscribers

About Rod Johnson "Moroni Saw Me!"

I post videos and write context relating to and about the Christian experience--specifically oriented toward members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints--things that promote faith in Jesus Christ and His teachings. My videos uplift and entertain do not necessarily include me personally.

Taking footage from other events and putting them together in a manner that promotes faith in God and His Son Jesus Christ makes me happy. I pray it brings happiness to you.

These are the last days. Let us make them good days. We know in the end, Christ will win. Let's persevere on His team, being willing to suffer whatever comes our way using His help.

It's hard! We may cuss and fuss a little--or a lot! We can repent and change as often as we need through the grace of Jesus Christ. I am so grateful for His love. Jesus is real. We can change with His help.

Being able to repent lets us practice being like Him. Take advantage.

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