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Loch Ness Exploration

550 subscribers

About Loch Ness Exploration

Loch Ness Exploration (LNE) is an independent research team dedicated to providing you with both an answer and an explanation to what hundreds of witnesses have reported seeing at Loch Ness.

LNE aren't solely focused on finding Nessie, it's also our duty to observe, record and study all natural behaviour that occurs both above and below the surface. Do all pictures/video show a large unknown aquatic animal in Loch Ness? The answer is no. Throughout the generations most accounts, reports and eyewitness testimony can be explained. We will support and guide you in how to better understand the natural phenomena that occurs at Loch Ness and by doing so we can adopt the process of elimination.

If you have a passion for Loch Ness and willing to brave the Scottish elements and personally want to contribute towards this fascinating mystery then we welcome you to join our team at Loch Ness Exploration.

Facebook Group: Loch Ness Exploration

Email: [email protected]

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