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Jordan O’Sullivan

0 subscribers

About Jordan O’Sullivan

Welcome to my channel,

you will find a variety of different content including vlogs Live streams things I do while I’m at home and general day-to-day life

I will also be exploring how my disability limits me and provide examples of how I managed to combat these problems my sole aim and purpose through this channel is to encourage people to achieve their dreams and accomplish what they but they never thought was possible

I also want to break the stigma that having a disability automatically means all life is hard while it may limit certain things you can do and it may change the way that you complete certain activities it doesn’t have to stop you from being an independent person and getting everything out of life that you want

Please subscribe to the channel and leave comments below and follow me on Instagram too @hotwheelsdailylife

Let me know what content you would like to see from me I am open to all kinds of suggestions
Let’s all have some fun as we go through life on wheels

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