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Richard De Bono

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About Richard De Bono

I felt moved to start this channel when I learned about the universal & immutable esoteric Law that is being hidden from the men & women in the military & law enforcement. This law governs the level of freedom or slavery we share here in the 3D world. This Law can be called Karma, Universal Law, Natural Law, Moral Law, Gods Law, the Law of freedom & Slavery. It's easier to describe the Law than name it:-

***A moral population can never be enslaved & an immoral population can never be free. ***

You might ask why you are enslaved by taxation & usury if you live a morally righteous life? Good question! The reason is because this is a universal Law. We live with the result which is governed by the predominant aggregate human character over the global scale. Yes every person counts but, we can not achieve true freedom until the larger portion or the global population comes to understand this Moral Law & live up to it's immutable demand...

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