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Hello viewers, I wanted to let you know I'm no longer going to make age-restricted videos. When I started this channel, I had hoped to build a fanbase around the songs I made. Although I like making videos with beautiful women, the goal was to convert a portion of the viewers into fans of the music. I guess I've succeeded to some extent. I could continue making age-restricted videos that get millions of views, but it wouldn't mean much anymore because anybody who posts videos of beautiful women showing off their bodies can do that.

I'll keep the age-restricted videos I have up, but don't want to continue making more. YouTube is also cracking down and removed my first and best song/video if anybody is wondering why it’s gone. It had nearly 10 million views, and was ten years old. If you're a fan of the music, I'm going to start another channel with videos of me playing the songs. I'll also continue posting non age-restricted videos on this one.

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