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C30 is the best

948 subscribers

About C30 is the best

Bra C30 tunnelbana dom är bäst.

Dumma C6 tunnelbana dom är sämst.

Welcome to BestC30Animator. I have been making videos on Plotagon and Vyond since 2023

I make the videos myself using Plotagon and Vyond. And the purpose of my content is to entertain my audience.

The BestC30Animator is when I make Vyond and Plotagon videos
Here is my channel rules
1. No disliking my videos
2. No unsubscribe
3. No sending me bad comments
4. No taking down my videos
5. No giving me copyright strikes
6. No making bad video's out of me
7. No making grounded videos out of me
8. No grounding me in the comments
9. No blocking my channel
10. No reporting nice comments
11. No reporting my channel
12. No making rant video out of me
13. No making call out of me
14. No interrupting me
15. No copying my videos
If you break a rule, your blocked

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