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Paw Plan

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Información sobre Paw Plan

As of May 20th, 2023, my life & rescue partner, Fabricio, will be handling this YouTube channel. And trust me, that's a good thing!

Fabricio has a passion for video-editing, & delights in watching the antics of our rescue's pets, and our own pets. Fab has always enjoyed filming silly animal moments, so I was thrilled when he told me he'd start helping with PAFP Inc's YouTube channel.

This is a small, foster & family-based pet rescue in Louisville, Ky. Our mission is to encourage pet owners everywhere to INCLUDE PETS IN WRITTEN LIFE & DEATH PLANS. ~And until that idea really catches on, we #keepcalmandrescueon.

When we're not taking care of our son and pets, Fabricio works (from home-yay!) as a Claims Processor for Humana, and I substitute teach for our local school district part-time. We stay busy, and wouldn't have it any other way.

Thanks for stopping by, please give a thumbs up. #follow #followplease

Owner & Primary Pet Caregiver

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