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War Eagle

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About War Eagle

This channel is just things in my life I have decided to share with you as we go on this journey of life. Currently what has captured my interest is the online game of Elite Dangerous. I decided to play Elite Dangerous because I am a truck driver and am on the road quite a bit and in my off time after driving 11hrs or more I need a way to relax and de-stress so this what I have chosen.
Elite Dangerous(ED) has a very high learning curve and is perfect for my off time. I end up researching aspects of the game as much as I do playing it and I highly recommend it to anyone that needs to fill time in your life when you are just stuck starring at a parking lot for the rest of your day.
I really don't do youtube much as others do but sharing these things is something I will give you an idea for what you can do if you are living a truck drivers life like mine.

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