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How We Landscape

7,650 subscribers

About How We Landscape

Time-lapse videos of gardens built by two landscapers in the uk.

We've been employed in landscape construction for over 15 years and worked for many companies, contractors and designers in that time. You'll sometimes see us wearing blue or red depending on the project.

Everything is an example of how it can be done and not set guidelines as we take no liability for the accuracy of information shared on this channel. There are fantastic colleges, training academies and landscaping trade groups on facebook with people appointed in the landscaping industry to provide free up to date information.

Sharing these videos is down to youtube being such inspiration of peoples crafts and skills. This is what we do - This is how we landscape.


NB due to our small size we only work directly for two designers and as a result can not follow up any other work enquires at this time.

All videos are copyright and not to be used without permission.

[email protected]

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