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BNSFtrainfan 157 (QUIT)

236 subscribers

About BNSFtrainfan 157 (QUIT)

Hello everyone, I am BNSFtrainfan 157. I used to be a YouTuber with a great audience, but prior to the algorithm stresses YouTube has put me into, I have left YouTube for good.

I thought I will be successful being A YouTuber and thought I will be loved, but I was a fool on thinking about that. That's why I left YouTube, farewell.

My nation:- India🇮🇳 (Previously stayed in Myanmar🇲🇲 [2017-2021])

If you happen to see my YouTube join date, just know it's a glitch. I actually joined in May 2019, so don't mind it.

Fact:- I speak English, but I am learning 🇷🇺, 🇺🇦, & 🇪🇸 too!

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