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Tara Finlay

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Tara Finlayの説明

Tara Finlay is an artist and art instructor living in the wilds of Maine. Tara teaches a number of things that include jewelry-making, painting, resin art, and demystifies the Procreate app, on Skillshare. You can get a free trial and try out Tara's Skillshare classes using this link:
Tara believes everyone is creative and that artistic skill is learned.
For the past few months she has been focusing on a Georgian era roombox, dolls, and handcrafting miniatures.
She promises not to refer to herself in the third person in her videos.
When she isn't teaching or creating, Tara enjoys exploring the lake shore outside her house with Mark the Maine Coon, drawing cats and moths on her ipad in Procreate, reading over 1000 Jane Austen adaptations, and hanging out with her inside cat, Fuzz McGee.

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