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Ro Di

365 subscribers

About Ro Di

Wow... so many ideas and so little time to practice!!

As a very “young” organist, I would like to introduce myself here. I actually only wanted to be able to distribute individual videos to friends and acquaintances, but interest grew. I'm not a professional at the organ, and I started playing music again in mid-2020 after a break of several decades. I will never reach the level of a B or A church musician. But I hope that I can make other people smile and go happy with some pieces. Thanks to my organ teacher, who always tries his best to teach me something new!

In the meantime I was forced to delete my videos. It's a shame that there are people who can't just enjoy the fact that someone loves music and the organ as an instrument, but always suspect a reason behind it. I wish everyone more warmth, humanity and simply joy in music. 💐

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