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Color In Between The Lives

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Color In Between The Livesの説明

We've spent 13 months on the road to build Season 1, focused on musicians, singer songwriters, bands, venues, and a stint at what it takes to launch an artist in the digital world from scratch (took them to number 1 in their genre in 14 days). An in-depth look at the stories behind some massive popular groups, to amazingly talented musicians and singer songwriters just scraping by. A podcast, a documentary of the journey itself and its many twists and turns, video interviews, live music streams, and an upcoming album. Over 43,000 photographs, 1400 hours of audio, 640 hours of video, dozens of concerts including private full-length concerts for our followers, multiple album releases for artists along the way, and follow-ups with our favorites to see how they've progressed.

Sometimes raw and shot from a phone, sometimes highly produced with up to 5 camera angles and patched in audio. There are journeys within journeys within journeys in a format to fit everyone's taste.

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