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Hi there. My name is Micael Better known as M.S.C ISLAND. M.S.C Stands for my initials. And I chose to add the name Island because I am from the Caribbean. And yes my name is spelled without the H. I created this channel mainly because I know how hard it is for some people in the world to get their days started, get through their day's without feeling sad, or depressed. And feel valued for who you're. I too have that same difficulty.So that's why I'm here. I want you to know that you're valued, you're an amazing person, and you have a gift. Don't be afraid to show the world your gift. Have confidence in yourself and what you do. If no one else can show their appreciation for all that you do, and show your importance to them.That's their loss.You're worth it. Let your voices be heard.I decided to create this channel as a source of motivation for not just for myself, but for everyone out there that might feel like their alone. I'm here to tell you that you are not alone.

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