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Hap-e Tape

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About Hap-e Tape

I try to make happy music in my spare time 🎶 Started the journey into music production in January 2021, without prior experience⌚ Tools: Ryzen 7 gaming PC & Ableton Live 11 Intro 💻

Even though my dream is to do something remarkably original, I sometimes include content from other artists in my uploads, in line with YouTube's built-in process for content that is originally licensed but re-used, generally on non-monetized channels. See below for more info:

"Videos uploaded to YouTube are scanned against a database of audio and visual content that's been submitted to YouTube by copyright owners. When Content ID finds a match, it applies a Content ID claim to the matching video. A Content ID claim results in one of the following actions, depending on the copyright owner's Content ID settings:

❕Blocks a video from being viewed
❕Monetizes the video by running ads against it and sometimes sharing revenue with the uploader
❕Tracks the video’s viewership statistics

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