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Linkin Prince

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About Linkin Prince

Metalhead, pophead, and massive Linkin Park fan since 2013. My favourite LP album is One More Light, and favourite song is Invisible. Persona fan since 2016, Akechi is forever my favourite, ex-foster bros.

Rest in peace, my idol and role model, Chester Bennington. 1976-2017, never forgotten and forever missed.

Favourite bands/artists: Cattle Decapitation, Behemoth, Cannibal Corpse, Linkin Park, Darkthrone, Emperor, Burzum, Mayhem, Morbid, Deicide, Cryptopsy, Revenge, Intestine Baalism, Sepultura, Peste Noire, Death, Hulder, Skinless, Stone Temple Pilots, Batushka, Archspire, Fleshgod Apocalypse, Venom, Lorna Shore, Lana Del Rey, Taylor Swift, Trivium, Grand Belial's Key, Gorgoroth, Nile, Possessed, Entombed, Candlemass, Bolt Thrower, Exhumed, Watain.

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