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Sejj - Driving Ambience

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Sejj - Driving Ambienceの説明

Hello viewers! Welcome to my channel, I am Sejj.

As a kid I always loved driving in a car especially in bad weather. It felt so relaxing to sit in the backseat, watching the rain hit the window and to listen to the sound it made, to drive through heavy snowfall, thick fog and thunderstorms. Especially at night it felt like a completely new world to me. I count these memories to my favourite ones out of my childhood.

I want to bring my love for driving at night, in bad weather or on a sunny day to you. This time not from the backseat but from behinde the steering wheel.

To give you a break from your stressfull day,

to sleep well to the sound of driving, rain or thunder,

to focus while studying,

or to make you remember your happy childhood memories about driving with your parents or relatives.

Thank you for checking out my channel!

As my dad always says:
Drive carefully! Because it is better to arrive later than not at all.

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