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Being Sharper

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About Being Sharper

Jesus said, "Come to me." Jehovah's Witnesses ignore that command.

According to the Bible, the Logos is alive and is sharper than any two-edged sword. As someone who lived most of my life in service to a spiritually dulling Non-Profit Corporation, I now enjoy sharpening myself daily, hopefully helping to separate the bone from the marrow for some of those who formerly called me their brother.

This channel is devoted to discovering and promoting resources I believe will help individual Jehovah's Witnesses acknowledge their current position as very insignificant and disposable tiny little fleshly cyborgs serving a tiny role in a very large money-making and asset-acquiring corporate machine.

At the same time, I hope to promote resources that will wake Jehovah's Witnesses up to the simple command of Jesus, "Come to me." I hope to rouse them to awareness that they have allowed a false religion to trick them into believing it is okay to ignore that basic command.

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