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About CascadeBeta

I upload stuff.

Jan 26 2023:
If you're reading this, then either you've just stumbled onto this channel, or you're someone who've seen something of mine before and is looking for an update on what ever happened to me. I love this channel, I've loved being able to upload stuff to it over the years. I can chronicle at least part of my past just based on what I was playing. I can place where I was, what I was feeling, and why it interested me. In a way, I put a part of myself out here that I never realized.

In 2020, I got doxxed. I'm trans, and some awful fucking people decided that was reason enough to try and hurt me. Since then, I haven't really felt comfortable using this channel. It's a shame, but it's just how things are now. If you've maybe stumbled onto this from that one Madness Interactive video that gets a comment every couple of months, or you're a friend who's curious about this part of me. I just want you know: Thank you, I love you, and I wish you nothing but joy.

~ CK

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