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δ baudrillard-lacanian

1,840 subscribers

About δ baudrillard-lacanian

Re-δasein·ing (dasein/design) perspective using Baudrillard-Lacanian tradition to bracket/epoché out badtheory & maintain critical pedagogical distance+gaze upon virtuous circles of (non)canonical goodtheory.

Utilizing transubjective jouissance (Ettinger) to learn traditions vs discoveries/inventions, elevate polemical/provocative (prolemical?) discourse, (re)traverse complex ideas, & honorably forefront self-relating negativities in myself, stochastic-parrots and cults-of-personalities.

δerive, ∫ntegrate, Σummarize, Πroduce

mange ton dasein ∞ τ

disclosure:this channel is supplemental to a disorganized set of tiktok/discord groups
and has been affiliated with:OccupyLawEnforcement, 🍋🐇infinite zest, defendSkylerWhite🤸‍♀️, enoughXYZSpam, Deleuze & Guitars, deleuze/derrida buber·laclau/laruelle, δeriving Беларусь·latvija, дугин ברכה·Левинас, #FreeElbakyan, #FreeAssange. The cringeart&automated content is open for any comments/critique & I can remove anything untoward/infringing.

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