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The Conscious Endeavor

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About The Conscious Endeavor

The Conscious Endeavor explores various concepts related to the Nature of Self & Reality: merging both the scientific and spiritual perspectives on the human person, understanding our place in the world, the influence of society, natural biology, and the multiple perspectives that encapsulate a Holistic view of Life. In examining both Eastern & Western ideologies, this show aims at creating a macro view on all things involving consciousness, creativity, and the well spring of our natural existence.

IG: @theconsciousendeavor

Daniel brings a scientific perspective as a Professor of Psychology with research in Behavioral Neuroscience as well as integrating Zen philosophies and Yogic practices. Check out the full 'Self Perpetual' workshop program to dive into the science of the brain and behavior for a deeper understand the mind-body system at

IG: @SelfPerpeutal

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